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Why Getting Active Underwater Could Be the Best Thing for Your Health

When people think about what’s best for their health, they seldom think ‘underwater activities.’ For those who have access to the ocean or a lake, however, you may really want to consider getting underwater – the benefits to your health could surprise you!

James Spearfishing
Creative Commons Licence – Courtesy of
What can be enjoyed underwater? Swimming is probably the first thing that comes to mind, but have you thought about skindiving, snorkelling, or even spearfishing? These activities combine the physical benefits of swimming with the added benefit of having interesting things to see and do while getting fit. You’ll be amazed at the fun you can have while being underwater. If you’re interested in checking out sports such as spearfishing, underwater experts like MOTackle can provide you with the best gear and advice.

So you know what can be done under the water… what about the health benefits of underwater activities? Check out these four reasons why getting underwater can be great for your health

It’s Fun

Without a doubt, swimming in the ocean is fun! Really, if that’s the only health benefit from getting active underwater, that should be enough. When was the last time you felt that feeling of weightlessness in the water? Been surrounded by the big, blue expanse of the ocean? Swum with friends through a spectacular reef? Plus, with water reducing the weight of gravity, you can breeze through an exercise session that might be too tiring on the land. Getting active underwater is definitely a fun, healthy activity.

It’s Good for Your Brain

Really? Underwater swimming is good for your brain? You’d better believe it! Some researchers have suggested that underwater swimming helps the body repair brain cells damaged by stress. Our brains are under attack almost 24/7, with never-ending social media, advertising, stress, deadlines, and more all hurting our brains. Do yourself and your brain a favour: get underwater.

It’s Great for Your Mental Health

We all know that exercise is great for promoting positive mental health and wellness – doing it underwater is no exception. Studies have suggested that swimming helps produce serotonin and ANP, both well-known stress relieving hormones. Who would have thought the big blue could be great for your mental wellbeing? That’s right: you can swim your stress away.

It’s Something You Can Enjoy with Friends

Unlike team or competitive sports, where allies can become enemies and bitterness can arise, you’ll always have a stack of fun with your friends underwater. Whether it’s simply snorkelling through a reef, enjoying a dive, the thrill of the chase with spearfishing, or just floating in the deep, it’s an activity that can truly be enjoyed with friends. Imagine the ‘likes’ you’ll get on your social media feed with pictures of you at a reef, a shipwreck or smiling after the catch!

Are you an underwater enthusiast? A snorkelling supremo? Passionate about spearfishing? What do you love about it? What keeps drawing you to the water and how do you feel after you’ve spent some quality time in the big blue? Have you found your underwater activities promote good health? Share your ideas in the comments below.


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