HIV seems to have been forgotten but it has not gone away

There is no other virus in the world today that is more deadly or harmful to humans than the HIV virus. For the past 25 years it has become a threat that will be with us permanently and there has been no single individual that has been successfully cured.

The physical contact with fluids from the body like saliva, blood, semen and tears enables the virus to transfer from one to another. Until present day there was no treatment procedure discovered for any infected individual, however there are now antibiotics in existence that are able to reduce the speed of growth of the virus in the body.

HIV virus transmission is not only through sexual relations and it can also be transmitted by using needles that are not sterilized, from intravenous medicines or through an open injury of a person who is infected with the AIDS virus. There is no chance of getting the virus by just touching the skin since the virus has no penetrable powers.

Normally the virus will not affect pets or insects. During child birth the baby could become infected if the mother is infected, however HIV must have a host for it to its effectiveness.

Usually the immune system is badly damaged in someone that is infected with AIDS because the virus attacks the parts of the system that are most important like the T lymphocytes. The virus moves into other parts of the body and affects the neurological system and the lymphatic cells.

Because of this the person becomes open to almost any type of infection like tuberculosis, pneumonia, and a cancer that is known as Kaposi’s Sarcoma. In its worst case the virus will cause nervous system damage as well as brain damage. Once the symptoms become highly developed the person has only a maximum of five years more to live.


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