Diabetes and Eating disorders

With an eating disorder, one usually undergoes several weeks of therapy in a specialist Psychosomatic Clinic, supplemented by regular long-standing involvement in a support group (such as Overeaters Anonymous).

The aim of psychotherapy is to identify the individual causes of eating disorders and to learn alternative behaviours.  For long-term success, it is important that members be involved.  In parallel, the person concerned is working regularly in a support group with peers.

Outpatient or inpatient treatment at a specialist clinic for eating disorders and psychosomatic clinic is a good start on the road for changing behaviour and lifestyle. It is usually funded by health insurance or pension insurance. The reasoned application must be submitted via a private practitioner in social security.

Helpful for success is: eating at least 500 calories less than you consume; Minimum amount of 2.5 to 3.0 litres of drinking and 3 to 5 times weekly 30 to 60 minutes exercise sessions.

A higher BMI increases the risk of mortality. In diabetes or hypertension, weight reduction is always appropriate.  Success is strongly linked to personality structure and motivation. Obesity treatment proves to be very difficult.  Setbacks often lead to abandonment of the project altogether. Treatment success is long established for 10% to 20% of patients.

Given the multiple causes for the rise of overweight and obese people, there is no diet being followed.  Without comprehensive changes in eating and exercise behaviour, diets usually lead only to a short-term weight loss.  The frequent recommendation to eat 5 times a day can make it difficult especially in the insulin resistant obese.

If the change in eating and exercise behaviour is difficult, the cause found and corrected it.  Pharmacological therapy should be performed exclusively by the physician.  In the U.S, sufficient studies on this subject reported only minor side effects.

The constant taking of Vorhormons 5-HTP, however, require medical examination, as it is systemic absorbed into the bloodstream and can overcome the blood-brain barrier and thus arrive in the cerebrospinal fluid of the brain. Long-term use of 5-HTP can be observed as critical.

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