Change Your Diet to become Migraine Free

2011 is fast approaching and so it is time to start making your New Year’s resolutions. For many top of the list is to eat healthier to help lose weight, but what if a change in diet could also put an end to your headaches and migraines? Well recent studies have shown doing just that can help prevent an illness that affects thousands of people.

Doctors know very little about migraine causes except that they run in families, and may be triggered by many conditions ranging from nervous excitement, disturbed sleep patterns, stress and reactions to certain foods, such as cheese or chocolate. These headaches can last hours, sometimes days, and often come with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound and light, and, perhaps most strangely of all, distorted sensory perception, especially vision. If you add together the range of different symptoms and so many different potential triggers, it is no surprise that researchers are perplexed about the science behind these headaches, or that sufferers seem to find treatments so hit-and-miss.

Research however has found that in many people migraines are triggered by reactions to foods. Clinical studies have shown that management of the diet can reduce the severity and, or, frequency of headaches or even stop them. However how do you know what foods are causing you problems? Well a simple finger prick test can do just that by identifying the trigger foods responsible for food intolerances. The test measures food-specific IgG antibodies and helps identify different food types in which an individual may be sensitive to.

The test in question is the foodSCAN 113 from YorkTest can give you an accurate reading of exactly what foods your body is reacting against so that you know what to avoid. Recommended by the charity Allergy UK, the test is supported by hard evidence; findings from York University and YorkTest, who surveyed 514 migraine and headache sufferers, showed that 81% benefitted in terms of the frequency and severity of their attacks if they removed the foods from their diet that showed a positive reaction. Some of the most common food intolerances people experience is yeast, dairy, and wheat intolerance – everyday food types that you may have intolerance to but have never known!

Further studies have also found other food intolerance symptoms including bloating, nausea, respiratory problems, and more highlighting the vital role that your diet plays in you wellbeing. So make sure you change your diet for the best in 2011 as you could end up getting rid of more than just your waistline!


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